
the Hohner Bass Threemörk, pt.X: Ponderings

the outside of the case looking pristine will not stop me from altering its insides.

while that goes for any make pedals, synths, toaster ovens, and basically anything else i get my hands on, it seems to be especially true for this unfinishable piece of kit. was that a word? is now.

i put in switching jacks for each voice (A, Arp., B) so as to be able to route them each to external effects. problem is, with the crude passive mixing i used, the volume on the master fluctuates with patching. you want the Arpeggiator going to a delay? possible. however, voice A and B will be louder on the master all of a sudden.
not my idea of fun.

so i'm going in for buffer overkill.
(yeah, i know, not my idea of fun either, but that's what happens when you don't really know what you're doing - piecing everything together one step at a time. so sue me.)
and since turning back - like turning down - is not an option, i breadboarded a little.
seems it will work out, in the end. yay.

upon which i tried a cheesy envelope filter on the Arpeggiator.
lo and behold: it started to sound like a Real Synth.
i hate envelope filters on guitar, but all of a sudden they do seem interesting.. should have an old Melos effectmatic (one of many mu-tron III adaptations) lying around here somewhere that's in need of repair. Up two steps on that ol' priority list..