
the Hohner Bass Threemörk, pt.VIII

did i say 'and after that.. we're done?'
ah, the folly of youth.

it's never over.

the extra gapper oscillator - or MCO, as in Manually Controlled Oscillator. yes, i actually think that's funny -
got its range switch, selecting between three speeds, with an octave (more or lessy) between them.
Chopper to BabyWantsCandy high whine. yay.

plus, i added another switch to choose its destination: the arpeggiator section, running the gapper, or the voice A filters. got its own volume control for that one, determining the submix to voice A.

Since the gapping consist of switching to 4 empty (thus silent) inputs on the Mux, i went ahead and wired them together to a jack. So now i basically have an option to run external audio through the arp section, filling the gaps, alternating with the synth sound. tried it with a heavily distorted guitar and results were funghi sweet.
(heavily distorted since the input needs a dedicated preamp, actually, but that's not there yet. Did i mention it's never over?)
Turning the 4 octave knobs all the way down gives you a squarewave tremolo on the external, with an option of running the MCO gapper as well. Dual trem. Pretty nifty. Do people still use that word, nifty?

Well then, on to the outside of the thing.. aka the Looks.
i picked up a thrift store suitcase with the exact dimensions of the keyboard.
due to my Add On and Pile Up approach, i ended up with a gazillion little subboards that all needed to sit snugly in there.
so far, no problems. loads of wiring though.
ditched the layout testing cardboard for some nice wood panelling, cut ridiculously exact to specs with the help of mr. Zeichnungsfreistelle himself.
drilled pretty clean to photoshop drilling template, so as to stop myself from making further additions: man needs to know his limits, and i'm way beyond them already anyway.
I still need to order me some nice knobs, right now i'm making do with whatever i had lying around.
Was thinking of screenprinting the faceplate, but that would make it Xmas by the time i get finished so i decided against it.
So right now i'm actually in the process of cleaning up the wiring, which sounds pretty final to me.

now for that external audio preamp..