
the Hohner Bass Threemörk, pt.IV: first little demo

Hohner3000 first demo by Remörk138

so what am i listening to here, exactly?
well, for starters, it's only a single voice. so no layered sounds yet.
no filter section either - just the straight square waves.

starts out with the variable octave mix.
next up is a VCA test, going from short to long attack time.
then the fun stuff starts: the arpeggiator section. preset making, speed control, the synced gapper.
didn't get round to demoing the 2nd LFO for the gapper yet, but i will. one day.
then a quick reminder that the octave mix pots also work in the arpeggiator section - turning an octave to 0 makes a rest, which yields nice rhythmic patterns.

i must say, i kinda like what it's doing so far. too bad there's hardly any time for more this week.

but rehousing is in full effect, using an ugly piece of cardboard box to test knob layouts etc.. get back on that later.
