
the Hohner Bass Threemörk, pt.IV: first little demo

Hohner3000 first demo by Remörk138

so what am i listening to here, exactly?
well, for starters, it's only a single voice. so no layered sounds yet.
no filter section either - just the straight square waves.

starts out with the variable octave mix.
next up is a VCA test, going from short to long attack time.
then the fun stuff starts: the arpeggiator section. preset making, speed control, the synced gapper.
didn't get round to demoing the 2nd LFO for the gapper yet, but i will. one day.
then a quick reminder that the octave mix pots also work in the arpeggiator section - turning an octave to 0 makes a rest, which yields nice rhythmic patterns.

i must say, i kinda like what it's doing so far. too bad there's hardly any time for more this week.

but rehousing is in full effect, using an ugly piece of cardboard box to test knob layouts etc.. get back on that later.



Typhoïd Death Karaoke

and another little noisemaker.
circuitbending, kind of.
property of the foul Dr. Tyfus of the House of Ultra Eczema.

quick test, but the thing has proven its yummy Vom Grill worth.
BBD and feedbackloop, 2 mic inputs, 2 line ins.. all you need, quoi.


the Hohner Bass Threemörk, pt.III

Small update: the arpeggiatorererer is working!
master clock from a 40106 drives a 4017 counter. pulses from outputs 1 through 8 get sent to the switches where they are routed to the binary control pins on the 4051. this is an 8-channel analog signal switcher, so basically you're selecting input 1, 2, 3 or 4 to be routed to the output. on the inputs are the four octaves.

0 0
0 1
1 0
0 0

however, on the other 4 inputs is nothing.. pulling the third control pin high means silence. opportunity to have a 'gapper'- hardcore squarewave tremolo. either in sync with the clock (inverted clock to control pin, 50% note length, nice!), or driven by a second lfo on the 40106.
that works, kinda. however, the fun begins if you drive the gaps into the audio range - fake ring modulation style. Sweet.

still need to figure out some final mixing options - what voice to route to what filter, and wondering if i need extra filters with more controllable parameters.
was wondering about the TG Gristleizer, might be nice. maybe as an external device.

started working on rehousing the whole thing.
the case is in a pretty bad shape, crumbles when drilled, and most importantly: it's gonna be too small for all the impending gadgetry.

the Hohner Bass Threemörk, pt.II

Bass / String / Tuba. hmm.

as far as i understand it, we have: 1 main squarewave oscillator.
its pitch (labelled 4') gets divided down to 2 lower octaves (labelled 8' and 16'). two submixes of these octaves are made, both of which are sent to their own crude single trannie VCA's.

the Main Mix VCA features: a decay control and a bypass switch for continuous sound. the result of which gets sent to 2 selectable bandpass filters. et voila: Tuba and String presets.

the second mix (no 16' in that one) has a fixed -short!- decay time on its VCA, and is only used to mimic the plucking attack of an electric bass in the 'bass' preset. which is basically the String sound, with this second voice added. seems a bit of a waste.

the divider chip yielded some more suboctaves, only one of which was musically relevant. anything below this 32' ended up spewing clicks. interesting, but not for my purposes - not this time. added it to the mix.
next, brought out the fixed mixes to be fully variable for both voices. lots of new textures. and pots, for that matter.
VCA decay time for voice 2 is now controllable as well.

since detuning one voice against the other is not an option - they're both based on the same oscillator - and since the waveshapers i tried didn't seem too happy with the square waves, i decided to have an arpeggiator thingamawhatsit jumping between the four available octaves of the second voice. figured i could build one with a 4051 analog multiplexer i pulled from an old wacom tablet. ignoring future real estate problems, i thought i'd go Cook Your Own Pattern sequencer style on the arpeggiator: 8 steps, slider selectable between the four octaves.

Never look a gift horse in the mouth, just unscrew the lid and see what you can use.


Noise Swash

here's an older video of a little noisemaker.
from this page you can tell i wasn't the first to have a go at the circuit. hats off.

note to self: need to build another one.

the Hohner Bass Threemörk, pt.I

i was given this Hohner Bass 3 keyboard by my dear friends of the White Circle Crime Club.
bought secondhand, it turned out to be DOA. them rascals were gonna throw it out, unless i wanted it. gee, lemme think.

opened up and nerded out. it turned out it was nothing a lil' TLC couldn't fix: press return to original specs. only problem: the thing, for all its - shift lock alert - Vintage Quality, sounds perfectly boring.

the original schem said 'subject to modifications'.
ain't that the truth.

Eat More Audio

i figured i need a hub. a focal point. centralised, warding off the chaos.
if state of bench = state of brain, i might have a problem here.

still, we solder on. pun intended.